
The Difference Between Reflexology and Massage

In reflexology, body maps located on the hands, feet, and ears are mainly used for therapy. Not all massages are of therapeutic nature. A massage is mostly all about relieving tensions between muscles and tendons. It can also help improve blood circulation in the human body. A reflexologist works on the sensitive areas on the foot, hands, ears, or face. This is done to provide relief from certain conditions of the client. 

Reflexology appears quite similar to massage in some aspects. However, the massage therapist takes the muscles and tendons into consideration. He or she gives a massage to achieve the end result, which is easing pain in most cases. The reflexology practitioner focuses on the reflex points or maps of the body. Some amount of pressure is applied on these points to relieve certain conditions or illnesses.

The benefits

Improved circulation, reduction in stress, and relaxation are some of the benefits offered by reflexology. It also helps the body in achieving balance and improvement in the functioning of internal organs and glands. This is achieved in an entirely natural way. Some of the recent studies have shown that reflexology also helps in reducing back pain and PMS symptoms. 

Many individuals find this holistic therapy much more relaxing than a full body massage. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they don’t need to take off their clothes for the sessions. Another reason could be that all the work is done away from the head. There are more nerve endings in the hands, feet, and face. 

The reflexology sessions can be deeply relaxing. It is often very hard to describe. During the sessions, pressure is applied using the thumb or finger. It inches along with the reflex points on the client’s body. These points can also be referred to as zones. Pressure is only applied to the extent that feels comfortable to the client. For the best results, there must be good communication between the client and the reflexologist. 

Sometimes the results are apparent almost immediately. In many other cases, it may take three or more sessions to be effective. For example, let’s say you have a chronic, long term condition like arthritis. In this case, it would definitely take longer to bring your body into balance.

An inside work

There have been instances where people went for a reflexology session and got a foot massage instead. This is quite unfortunate as this is probably not what they were looking for. A foot massage is certainly useful, but it cannot provide the same benefits as reflexology. 

Massage lessens tension in muscles, improves circulation, and relaxes an individual’s body. Reflexology is more of an inside work job. Many clients of reflexologists have said that the sessions led to the overall well-being of their bodies.

Reflexology therapists are certified

In the United States, reflexologists have to go through 200 to 250 hours of training. This leads to their certification by the American Reflexology Certification Board. The process of training is different in other parts of the world. There are many different types of reflexology. 

One particular example is Gentle Touch Reflexology, in which the reflexologist adopts a more gentle approach. Others, like the Father Josef method, are more intense.

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